Our menu is based on authentic recipes
Traditional Restaurnt Casa Maramureșeană
We offer our guests specialties such as the delicious oven-baked ribs, pork loin with beans or boiled cabbage, polenta with cheese and greaves or bean soup with smoked pork. We treat them as only we know how to treat our guests."
Monday to friday
The daily special
Every monday to friday, between 12 PM and 2 PM, we offer the daily special, which includes soup and main course.
During Lent, you can choose dishes without ingredients of animal origin.
Every Monday we post our daily special for the entire week, on Facebook.
Tradition is highly valued
Traditional recipes
Welcoming hosts from Iza Valley
Who we are
They say that in Maramureș the hosts are welcoming, the houses are beautiful, and the food is all you can eat.
Those who arrive at Casa Maramureșeă come back delighted and recommend the place to all their acquaintances.
The advantage of Casa Maramuresene is the good food, the rumor of which has spread beyond the borders of the country.
"We are good hosts, with love for guests
We are waiting for you to gather pleasant memories with us, here at Casa Maramureșeana!"
We still keep many of the traditions alive
Lăsatu Secului
In recent years, more and more holidays are imported to the detriment of ancestral customs and traditions.
Maramureș, however, is stubborn not to forget its past and still keeps many of its traditions alive
We celebrate Lasatu Secului and other holidays, together with renowned musicians, such as the Chindriș Brothers or the Iza Group.